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HSA Jt. Hqtrs., Delhi General Election 2023 Results: Samuel Lalrochan Khawbung Re-elected as President

Delhi, September 23 – On September 23, 2023, the HSA Jt. Hqtrs., Delhi conducted an i-voting/e-voting general election for the term 2023-2025, culminating in the selection of its new leadership. The Hmar netizens cast their votes, resulting in the re-election of Samuel Lalrochan Khawbung as the President of HSA Jt. Hqtrs., Delhi, marking his second consecutive term in office.

Continuity in Leadership

Samuel Lalrochan Khawbung’s re-election as President underscores the confidence and support of the Hmar community in his leadership. Having already served a term as President, he will continue to lead the HSA.Jt.Hqtrs., Delhi into the next phase of its mission and initiatives.

New Leadership Team

The election also brought forth a fresh leadership team to work alongside President Samuel Lalrochan Khawbung. Saint Paul Infimate, a Law candidate from Delhi University, secured the position of Vice-President. This selection represents a commitment to bringing fresh perspectives and talent to the organization.

Nk. Jubilee Lalrammawi was elected as the General Secretary, tasked with overseeing crucial administrative functions. Tv. Zolientluong Chawngtuol, an MSc student from Delhi University, will serve as the Assistant General Secretary, providing support and coordination in the day-to-day operations of the HSA Jt. Hqtrs., Delhi.

For the role of Finance Secretary & Treasurer, the Hmar netizens elected Nk. Vivienne Hrilrokim Sielhnam and Nk. Maria Pulamte. These individuals will play a critical role in managing the organization’s financial resources and ensuring transparency in financial matters.

Departmental Secretaries

In addition to the core leadership team, the Hmar netizens also voted for departmental secretaries who will oversee specific areas of focus within the organization. The elected Departmental Secretaries include:

  1. Tv. Paul Hellienthang
  2. Tv. Eldad Khawbung
  3. Tv. Moses Thuoitulien
  4. Tv. Robert Wilson Joute
  5. Nk. Julie Infimate

Each of these individuals will be responsible for their respective departments and will collaborate with the executive team to advance the goals and initiatives of the HSA.Jt.Hqtrs., Delhi.

Immediate Transition

With the election results determined, the newly elected leaders are poised to assume their respective positions promptly. This seamless transition ensures that the HSA.Jt.Hqtrs., Delhi can continue its work without interruption, addressing the needs and aspirations of the Hmar community in Delhi.

The election results reflect the engagement and active participation of Hmar netizens in shaping the leadership and direction of the HSA.Jt.Hqtrs., Delhi. As the new leadership team takes charge, they are expected to build upon the organization’s legacy and strive for the betterment of the Hmar community in Delhi.

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