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NSCN-IM Firmly Asserts: No Compromise on Naga Territory, Slams K Therie’s Statement

Dimapur, September 20, 2023 – The National Socialist Council of Nagalim-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM) has issued a stern response to former Nagaland minister K Therie’s recent statement regarding the demands of the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community in Manipur. The NSCN-IM emphatically declared that “not even an inch of Naga territory should be touched in the name of geopolitical arrangements for the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community in Manipur.”

In a statement provided to Newmai News Network, the NSCN-IM criticized K Therie’s position, labeling him as someone who consistently stands apart from prevailing views. The NSCN-IM further claimed that Therie’s statement exhibited a lack of understanding of the complex geopolitical issues surrounding Manipur.

“The National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) has, considering the sensitivity of the matter at hand, refrained from involvement beyond clarifying our stance: not a single inch of Naga territory should be compromised in any geopolitical arrangement for the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community in Manipur,” asserted the NSCN-IM.

The NSCN-IM also questioned the relevance of K Therie’s expressed concern for the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand for a separate administration, characterizing it as a “voice crying in the wilderness” within the context of the broader geopolitical issues. The organization urged K. Therie to view the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi demand in the larger context of Nagas’ geopolitical concerns, rather than from the perspective of the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community alone.

Furthermore, the NSCN-IM pointed out that K Therie has lost the representative status of his constituency repeatedly, rendering his voice insignificant in any discussion or decision-making process. The organization advised Therie to exercise caution and refrain from involving himself in the ethnic issues concerning the Meitei and Kuki-Hmar-Zomi communities.

“He should, therefore, avoid giving any comment or statement that exceeds the scope of his influence,” cautioned the NSCN-IM.

The statement from the NSCN-IM comes amidst rising tensions and debates surrounding the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand for a separate administrative arrangement in Manipur.

Background: The Kuki-Hmar-Zomi Demand

The Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand for separate administration has been a contentious issue in Manipur for some time. This demand seeks to create a distinct administrative unit for the community within the state of Manipur. The community argues that this administrative setup would allow them to address their unique cultural and socio-political aspirations.

However, this proposal has met with opposition from various quarters, including the NSCN-IM and others who have concerns about the potential impact on Naga territory in Manipur. The NSCN-IM’s stance, as articulated in their recent statement, is that no part of Naga territory should be affected by any arrangements made for the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community.

K Therie’s Statement

K Therie, the former Nagaland minister, recently expressed his opinion on the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand for separate administration. The NSCN-IM criticized Therie’s stance as not aligning with prevailing sentiments and claimed that it reflected a lack of understanding regarding the broader geopolitical context in Manipur.

NSCN-IM’s Firm Stand

The NSCN-IM’s position, as outlined in their statement, is unambiguous: they will not allow any compromise on Naga territory, regardless of geopolitical arrangements made for other communities. The NSCN-IM’s statement underscores the organization’s commitment to safeguarding the territorial integrity and rights of the Naga people.

Response to K Therie’s Concerns

The NSCN-IM has dismissed K Therie’s concerns for the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand as irrelevant within the larger framework of Nagas’ geopolitical issues. They have further advised Therie to refrain from making comments or statements that extend beyond the scope of his influence, given his track record of electoral defeats.

Ongoing Debate and Tensions

The ongoing debate and tensions surrounding the Kuki-Hmar-Zomi community’s demand for separate administration highlight the complex socio-political landscape of Manipur. It remains to be seen how the various stakeholders will navigate these issues and whether a mutually acceptable resolution can be reached.

As the situation continues to develop, it is imperative for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and peaceful negotiations to address the concerns of the different communities while ensuring the preservation of territorial integrity and peace in the region.

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