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Hmar Students’ Association Announces Key Decisions to Support Education Amidst Conflict

TUITHAPHAI, November 3, 2023 – In a significant move to uphold education amidst ongoing conflict, the Hmar Students’ Association (HSA), Tuithaphai Joint Headquarters, announced a series of important decisions following a crucial meeting with local school owners and administrators on October 28, 2023. These resolutions, effective from November 2, 2023, underscore the HSA’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the welfare and uninterrupted education of students in the region.

First and foremost, a key decision involves the modification of school hours. Understanding the necessity of a safe and convenient schedule for students and staff, especially with the approach of winter, schools within the HSA’s functional area will now operate from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. This change is expected to offer a significant respite amidst the prevailing tensions.

In an empathetic response to the financial hardships faced by families in the region, the HSA has given individual schools the autonomy to decide on the issue of school uniforms. This decision allows schools to tailor their approaches based on the specific needs and circumstances of their students. Recognizing the economic challenges, schools will identify students who are unable to afford uniforms and report their details to the HSA, Tuithaphai, ensuring that no student is left behind due to financial constraints.

The role of schools as relief centers during the conflict was also acknowledged in the meeting. The HSA emphasized the need for flexibility, allowing schools currently functioning as relief centers to revert to their educational roles at their convenience while adhering to the new schedule. This recognition of schools as dual-function entities showcases the HSA’s understanding of the complex realities on the ground.

A crucial aspect of the HSA’s resolutions is the special consideration for students displaced by the conflict. The organization has taken a stand to ensure that these students receive the necessary support, ensuring their education is not interrupted and that financial barriers do not impede their access to learning. This decision highlights the HSA’s dedication to inclusivity and support for all students, regardless of their circumstances.

The Hmar Students’ Association, in a press release, emphasized that these decisions were meticulously deliberated, keeping in mind the welfare of all stakeholders – schools, parents, and most critically, the students. These measures aim to foster a stable and nurturing environment for education, even in the face of adversity.

“The decisions we have taken are a testament to our commitment to education as a fundamental right. We understand the challenges that our community, especially the students, are facing due to the ongoing conflict. It is our responsibility to ensure that their education continues uninterrupted,” said a spokesperson for the HSA.

The HSA has called for cooperation and compliance from all parties involved, including school administrators, parents, and students. The organization believes that through collective effort and adherence to these new guidelines, the community can significantly mitigate the impact of the conflict on educational pursuits and support the students in their academic growth.

Local school administrators have welcomed these decisions, expressing gratitude for the understanding and support extended by the HSA. “These changes are a relief and give us a framework to continue providing education in these challenging times,” said one of the school principals.

Parents and guardians have also shown appreciation for the HSA’s efforts. “Knowing that there are provisions for our children, especially those who are displaced or facing financial difficulties, brings a sense of hope,” a parent commented.

The HSA’s resolutions are a bold step in safeguarding the education sector amidst conflict. By adjusting school hours, providing flexibility on uniform requirements, recognizing the dual role of schools, and supporting displaced students, the HSA is setting a precedent in ensuring that education remains accessible and uninterrupted. As the region navigates through these turbulent times, the resilience and proactive approach of the Hmar Students’ Association serve as a beacon of hope, emphasizing that even in the midst of conflict, education remains a priority.

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